The Spiritual Activator, Oliver Niño, serves over 3 millions students from 80+ different countries – from CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies, tech founders, presidential first families, and international celebrities to trauma-burdened souls living in the darkest shadows of their existence – clear their energetic blockages and access new levels of abundance, happiness, peace, and success.
After more than two decades of committing his life to heal others, Oliver decided it was time to rise up to his highest good – to teach the secrets, ancient wisdom, and limitless potential of energy healing to anybody that was ready to receive it.
Oliver’s vision is that one day, everyone can understand their own unique energetic makeup, remove all the energy blocks holding them back so they can step into their full potential and purpose.
Oliver is one of the most sought after healers with waiting list of over 600,000 people since 2017. His goal is to transform 1 billion souls so he spends most of his time leading sold out events with over 15,000+ paid registrants, and training and certifying healers from all over the world with his 8-week Energy Healing Certification Program.